Feedback by Tube Model- 50 tube

Type 50 tube “if you like the sound of the old triodes go for Grant Fidelity (type 50)”

Read review by long time Type 50 tube lover Rob from Netherlands:

Winners are Grant Fidelity and EML. I would put my money on these. You get new tubes, with warranty. If you like the sound of the old triodes go for Grant Fidelity, if you do favor a bit more modern sound, EML would be your choice. Comparing the Grand Fidelity 50 to the originals, the originals will set you back a heap of money for used pairs, whilst difference in sound will be subtle. You get the same character for far less money, and new. As a runner up I mention the EML’s. They do not exactly match tone and spaciousness like the Grant Fidelities and originals, but do breath about the same character with more tight bass and highs. A bit more “modern” sound. Available new as well. Take your pick.
One thing to mention, the Grant Fidelity type 50 was a one batch production, so only a limited stock is available. No idea how much pairs are left at this time..”