Linlai™ Global WE845 Western Electric Replica vacuum tubes (pair)

US $699.00US $799.00


How is this ‘WE845 by LINLAI’ different from Psvane WE845? 

In short answer: There is NO difference. They are 100%, 1:1 identical, visually and electronically.

Who is LINLAI? 

LINLAI is a brand name, and it is a phrase taken from an ancient Chinese poem praising the beauty of music.

LINLAI is a trademark belong to a NEW tube factory in China – formed by a team of engineers who exit Psvane in 2019.

LINLAI WE845 replica tubes are made according to the exact same blueprint, with materials from the same suppliers as before. NOTHING IS CHANGED.

Special Note: The very early batch of LINLAI tubes were printed with a brand called ‘NATURE SOUND’. Later on it turned out that the trademark had been used and registered by an un-related business, so it cannot be legally used anymore.

We do NOT have stock of any ‘NATURE SOUND’ tubes. Early batches from a new tube factory could be of uneven quality while the production lines are being commissioned to perfection. We have waited till quality stabilized to carry the current ‘tubes by LINLAI’.

More affordable pricing by LINLAI

LINLAI as a newer business, certainly wants to establish its firm hold on the highly competitive global upgrade tube market – so, they are offering ‘WE845 by LINLAI’ at a more attractive price than what Psvane used to offer. I guess that’s what competition supposes to do – bring price down and benefit consumers!

Substitution of all Chinese 845 tubes: 

The same description of Psvane WE845 applies to the new WE845 by LINLAI:

It is a hybrid creation by combining the characteristics of both RCA845 and WE284A tubes. ‘WE845 by LINLAI’ can replace all current Chinese production 845 tubes in high end audio application.

Users should follow your amp manufacturer’s suggestion in tube substitution and bias adjustment to ensure safe use of high voltage 845 tubes. Nearly all new production 845 amps do come with Chinese entry level 845 tubes as stock tubes – which can be replaced by this ‘WE845 by LINLAI’.

Measurement: (in mm)

Below is the size measurement of the WE845 tube – there is a glass tip on top of WE845 tube, so please take into account of the overall height if your amp has a tube cover. In terms of glass enclosure diameter, the Psvane WE845 is of same diameter as Shuguang 845B tubes (the most widely used 845 tubes in new production 845 tube amplifiers).











WE845  is direct-heated type thorium tungsten cathode triode, class A1 and AB1

Uf—————————————10 V
If—————————————-3.25 A
Maximum Rating
Ua———————————-1250 V
Pa——————————-75 W
Pout(max.sig)————————–150 W
Ia(max)——————————120 mA;

Direct Inter-electrode Capacitance

input———————————-6 PF
output———————————-4.5 PF
grid to plate———————————-14.5 PF

Static parameter
Ua————————————–1250 V
—Ug————————————-200 V
Ia—————————————80 mA
Gm————————————–3 mA/V
ri—————————————-1.7 KΩ
RL—————————————3.4 KΩ
Ug(pk)————————————69 V
Pout————————————-15 W

Recommended Operating Conditions (reference value)

Class A1 .single tube
Ua—–1000 1000 1250 V
—Ug— 145 155 209 V
RL—–6 9 16 KΩ
Ia——90 65 52 mA
Gm—–3.1 — — mA/V
Ug(pk)–— 110 148 V
ri——1.7 1.9 2.1 KΩ
Pout—-24 21 24 W

Push-pull.class AB1
Ua—————— 800 1000 1000 1250 V
—Ug—————- 125 170 175 225 V
RL—————— 4.5 4.6 4.6 6.6 KΩ
Ia——————–80 70 40 40 mA
Ug(pk)—————-177 240 — — V
Ia(mAx.sig)———170 230 230 240 mA
Pout—————-40 75 75 115 W




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