Linlai™ Global WE300B Western Electric Replica Tubes (pair)

US $699.00US $799.00


How is this ‘WE300B by LINLAI’ different from Psvane WE300B? 

In short answer: There is NO difference. They are 100%, 1:1 identical, visually and electronically.

Who is LINLAI?  (click on link to READ MORE)

LINLAI is a brand name, and it is a phrase taken from an ancient Chinese poem praising “the beauty of music”.

LINLAI is a trademark belong to a NEW tube factory in China – formed by a team of engineers who exit Psvane in 2017.

LINLAI WE300B Replica Tubes are made according to the exact same blueprint, with materials from the same suppliers as Psvane WE300B. NOTHING IS CHANGED.


Substitution for other 300B tubes: 

Since Western Electric is pretty much what all the hype of 300B sound is about – this one being a 1:1 replica of original Western Electric 300B, can substitutes all standard 300B tubes.

It cannot be used to replace a 300B tube with 2.5V heater voltage (referred as 300B 2.5V). A standard 300B has heater voltage of 5V, not 2.5V. If your amp uses 300B 2.5V (very few amps on the market does so!), usually this is identified in the amp manual. If you are not sure, check with your amp manufacturer! If your amp uses a Chinese 300B-98, that is a standard 5V heater voltage standard 300B tube and can be replaced by WE300.



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