Linlai™ Global HiFi 5U4G vacuum tubes (single or pair)

US $74.90US $119.00


Linlai™ Global – HiFi series rectifier tubes. Sold in either single or pairs.

5U4G has 4 pins and used in a 8-pin socket. It is a direct heated full-wave rectifier tube,5U4G is very similar with 274B and 5Z3P, which can be replaced by each other.

5U4G / 5U4GB vs. 274B 

If our 5U4G is shown as out of stock, please feel free to check out our 274B listings. Most Chinese tube manufacturers now produce rectifier tubes under 274B model, which has 100 times (yes that is 100x!) improved vacuum inside the glass  bulb, ensuring a longer healthier tube life!

274B tube requires 2.5A filament current, which is lower than 3A filament current required by 5U4G. It is safe to use upgrade a stock 5U4G / GB tube to high end 274B varieties. You may also see some Chinese amps use 5Z3P rectifier tube – it can be replaced by 5U4G and 274B.

Please note most 274B have a larger glass enclosure – similar size as a 300B tube. If your amp has a tight clearance around tubes, please check it before ordering 274B tubes in place of 5U4G.

5AR4 / GZ34 vs. 5U4G / 274B: 
A 5AR4/GZ34 requires 1.9A filament current. To replace 5AR4 or GZ34 with 5U4G or 274B, you MUST consult your amp manufacturer to make sure the increase of filament current from 1.9A (for 5AR4/GZ34) to 2.5A (for 274B) can be tolerated by the amps power supply before swapping the tubes!