Feedback on ACME805 from customer Joshua W via email:

  •  Amplifier- Line Magnetic 508ia integrated amplifier
  • Speakers- Trenner and Friedl Pharoah speakers
  • Speaker Cables- Auditorium 23

“These (ACME 805) tubes are noticeably physically heavier and larger than the stock rebranded Psvane (HiFi series 845) tubes that Line Magnetic provides with their amplifiers. They are also strikingly beautiful pieces of hardware. “…….

“The ACME tubes sounded solid and transparent from the start and this only increased as they broke in over time. Break-in time is where I differ with some who may read this brief review. I did not notice drastic changes in sound after the first 15 to 20 hours of run-in. In fact, I felt that of all the power tubes I have tried in my amplifier E.g. Psvane HiFi series 805, Psvane 805A-T, TJ Full Music, and Sophia Electric, these (ACME 805) tubes changed the least over their recommended  break-in period. They hold their bias perfectly. I have yet to adjust the bias up to this point in time. (Nearly two months of use). Every other power tube I’ve owned has had bias that drifted around a bit. Not these tubes.” …….

“Comparatively to the other tubes I’ve used, they have do have greater transparency, but where I felt these tubes excelled most in my system was when I pushed it hard and listened at high volume levels. The tubes held the sound together with great finesse and authority, never losing any control over the musical situation at hand. “……..

12AX7LS – “Overall, amazing, musical, without sounding louder”

Feedback received via email:

“Hi Rachel,

I received the 12AX7LS super tubes and their performance is super!

Put the new tubes in and turn on, first 10 mins, comparing to Psvane 12AX7-TII…the new super tube has lower noise floor, sound is more dense and transparent, bass is deeper and better bass layering. Sound is richer and much more transparent.

I’m playing internet FM radio and it is finally making music now. Before that, I can hear it is digital and an inferior sound, but not anymore. I’m less critical of my internet FM radio through streamer and enjoying it. Vocals is more lifelike. No regrets buying this super tubes, high value and performance for the price paid. After playing 45mins, details are more resolved and soundstage is deeper. Seems to have better air around instruments. Overall, amazing, musical, without sounding louder. – J Pang”

A new addition to high end KT88: Cobalt Blue Super Tube (KT88-Z CB)

Sometimes we wonder if there is a limit of high end… apparently for tube producer from Asia, there is no limit yet!

This new custom version KT88-Z CB cobalt blue Super Tube seems have “surpassed the current high end KT88 tube offerings, in instrument separation and frequency extension on both ends”, according to factory in-house comparison to competition.

Order yours now to experience the new limit of ‘high end’…. KT88 doesn’t have to be low resolution as some people perceived!

New feedback! “KT120-Z CB are definitely an upgrade over Tung-Sol… and very reliable”

I had the tested Tung-Sol KT-120. Installed on the Sonic Frontiers for quite a while. I installed these new PSAVANE KT-120 on the same amp hooked up to the top of the line Pathos «  In Control «  pre-amplifier. Speakers were the ProAc Response D20 R ( ribbon tweeter) and later, the new Martin Logan Electro-Motion hybrid electrostatic speakers.

Upon installing & biasing the new tubes on the D20R, I noticed a right away increase in transparency , detail in resolution. It became even more obvious when I upgraded the speaker cables to the new Cardas Cygnus.  Also, an increase in depth very noticeable with either set of cables.

Also with both set of speakers, there was no brightness at all with these new tubes. No forwardness either. Overall, these new KT120-(Z CB)are definitely an upgrade over the Tung-Sol. And so far, they have been very reliable. And they look good too.

Have a good day,
