Psvane T-series ‘black bottle’ 300B-T, CV181-T and KT88-T launched

After rounds of testing and improvement over the test runs, Grant Fidelity is now ready to officially launch the Psvane T-series black bottle tubes to the market outside of the Greater China Area. It includes 300B, Kt88 and CV181 (6SN7) for the time being.

‘Psvane’ is a brand that owned by separate entity from Shuguang tube factory and the black bottle T-series is a MKII version of the original Shuguang Treasure series. In terms of sound quality, the Treasure series have been confirmed to meet many high end customers’ expectations, and the Psvane T-series is a fine tuning version of the Treasure Z-series. They are priced very similarly and if finance allows, we highly recommend customers to start their black bottle collection by owning both.

The Psvane T-series will be sold by Grant Fidelity under the same tight quality control during distribution. You may purchase either GF Grade A best quality grade, or go for the factory Premium grade to keep your budget down.

No sellers from Asia have been authorized to directly re-sell these tubes over eBay or other e-commerce website. Psvane brand owner does not guarantee or warrant the quality from these vendors.

Be aware of fraudulent online tube seller(s)

It has been brought to attention recently that one AudiogoN member attempts to resell his Shuguang Treasure tubes by claiming they were purchased from Grant Fidelity as Grade A quality. He even further lied to a potential buyer that his tubes come in packages same as how Grant Fidelity identify Grade A tubes. However he wasn’t able to provide pictures as proof.

We have requested the seller to provide his purchase receipt from us before he claims that his tubes were from Grant Fidelity, immediately this particular seller removed his wording of tubes bought from Grant Fidelity as Grade A.

We strongly suggest consumers to use good judgement when purchasing tubes from individual sellers. If you have found anyone pretending to sell tubes from other source as from Grant Fidelity, please report to us immediately.

Please also take time to read our Test Method and Quality Control section to understand tube quality grade and protect your own interest before any purchase.

We also have compiled a list of unauthorized tube sellers – their selling status has been confirmed by factory as ‘unauthorized’ and their tubes were not purchased from factory directly.

New Grant Fidelity testing station now set up at factory

In order to further reduce the waste on unqualified tubes shipped into North America for re-testing, Grant Fidelity has recently set up a testing station right in the factory to screen the Treasure and Psvane series tubes before they leave for North America.

The test equipment used in this factory station is Amplitrex AT-1000 tube testing system, same as what we have been using in Canada for grading tubes in the past few years. Full training has been provided by Grant Fidelity to the factory personnel so that they follow exactly the same testing method and grading standard as us in Canada.

Going forward, more tube models with GF Grade A quality in the Treasure and Psvane series will be stocked in our Hong Kong warehouse to ship economically and efficiently to our worldwide customers. Some orders may be shipped out of Canada for the time being until the Hong Kong warehouse is fully stocked.

Some customers have asked us if we use our own personnel at the factory to supervise the testing process – our answer is No. We fully trust and respect our business partners and suppliers and we provide them with the right equipment and right training to ensure quality meet our worldwide customers desire for high quality. We don’t send a ‘spy’ to watch over factory’s shoulders because we firmly believe business relationship is built on trust and respect.

Small quantity of tubes will be randomly picked from time to time and ship to Canada for spot check. This is to help factory to master the testing process.

We provide same warranty as always to stand behind products we sell. Please purchase with absolute confidence.