12AX7LS: ‘Deadly quiet, extremely dark but not in a soupy muddled way’

Feedback received from Paul via email:

“Hi Rachel,
I just want to give you an update. The tube(s) are doing well. No issues seen and I have about 10 hours on them so far.
I gotta say “wow!” these are deadly quiet, extremely dark but not in a soupy muddled way, they are still very dynamic but the silence is incredible. I am really enjoying these so far and I am sure that they will continue to develop.”


Type 50 tube “if you like the sound of the old triodes go for Grant Fidelity (type 50)”

Read review by long time Type 50 tube lover Rob from Netherlands:

Winners are Grant Fidelity and EML. I would put my money on these. You get new tubes, with warranty. If you like the sound of the old triodes go for Grant Fidelity, if you do favor a bit more modern sound, EML would be your choice. Comparing the Grand Fidelity 50 to the originals, the originals will set you back a heap of money for used pairs, whilst difference in sound will be subtle. You get the same character for far less money, and new. As a runner up I mention the EML’s. They do not exactly match tone and spaciousness like the Grant Fidelities and originals, but do breath about the same character with more tight bass and highs. A bit more “modern” sound. Available new as well. Take your pick.
One thing to mention, the Grant Fidelity type 50 was a one batch production, so only a limited stock is available. No idea how much pairs are left at this time..”


Treasure 6SN7SE Globe – “A sound investment for sure”

Feedback from customer Leo. B via email:

hello,my 6sn7se’s arrived yesterday safe & sound !! wow they’re Beautiful !! i installed them as my 2-front driver tubes in B A T VK-75 & WOW They SOUND Beautiful sound stage fattened up & widened out DETAIL GALORE !! A SOUND INVESTMENT for sure….thanks so much & i’ll try out some other tubes soon !! Leo B.

“The 12AX7LS are the best I’ve heard in my system for phono”

Feedback received from Steven D. via email:

“Hi Rachel,

Initial impressions on the Treasure 12ax7-LS in the critical phono preamp application are positive (George Wright’s WPP200C, 2 x 12ax7 per channel, 60db gain MC). Replacing the Psvane T-IIs, I find the sound is more articulate / better organized / more coherent / less homogenized. Appears as if the noise floor has been lowered, better low level info retrieval. Better bass, too.

My comments should be taken with a grain of salt, as I did not do an A-B comparison, and there was about a week’s gap in listening, so I am working from memory. Still, the LS are the best I’ve heard in my system for phono. System is reasonably revealing: upgraded Nantais classic Lenco, AT ART-9 MC cart, RS-A1 tonearm, passive TVC volume, 2A3 SET, DIY crossoverless fullrangers for speakers (they and my hearing both roll off at ~15KHz ;).



Feedback on ACME805 from customer Joshua W via email:

  •  Amplifier- Line Magnetic 508ia integrated amplifier
  • Speakers- Trenner and Friedl Pharoah speakers
  • Speaker Cables- Auditorium 23

“These (ACME 805) tubes are noticeably physically heavier and larger than the stock rebranded Psvane (HiFi series 845) tubes that Line Magnetic provides with their amplifiers. They are also strikingly beautiful pieces of hardware. “…….

“The ACME tubes sounded solid and transparent from the start and this only increased as they broke in over time. Break-in time is where I differ with some who may read this brief review. I did not notice drastic changes in sound after the first 15 to 20 hours of run-in. In fact, I felt that of all the power tubes I have tried in my amplifier E.g. Psvane HiFi series 805, Psvane 805A-T, TJ Full Music, and Sophia Electric, these (ACME 805) tubes changed the least over their recommended  break-in period. They hold their bias perfectly. I have yet to adjust the bias up to this point in time. (Nearly two months of use). Every other power tube I’ve owned has had bias that drifted around a bit. Not these tubes.” …….

“Comparatively to the other tubes I’ve used, they have do have greater transparency, but where I felt these tubes excelled most in my system was when I pushed it hard and listened at high volume levels. The tubes held the sound together with great finesse and authority, never losing any control over the musical situation at hand. “……..