Currency & Payment Method

Multiple Currency – US$, EUR €, and CAD$

By default, this website shows all product price in US Dollars, net of any tax and shipping cost.

You have option to use the ‘currency selector’ on the side column to display price in Euro and Canadian Dollars. The exchange rate is updated in real time every minute, and it has factored in currency conversion cost charged by financial institutions.

Payment Methods

We accept the following payment methods from worldwide buyers:

  • PayPal in US$, Euro € and CAD$
  • Direct Bank Wire Transfer in Euro € (bank in EU country) and US$ (bank in the US)
  • Interac E-transfer in CAD$

There is no extra PayPal fee for consumers to make payment through PayPal gateway. We as seller will be deducted of Paypal processing fees when receiving consumer payment, but such Paypal fees collected by Paypal is non-refundable as per Paypal merchant agreement, when a purchase is returned or if offered for a refund.

As of Oct 2022, we suspended Euro currency directly by PayPal due to frequent changes in currency exchange rate between Euro and US$. We as a small boutique business do not have means to hedge such currency valuation risks and we cannot issue refund in Euro currency either.

For EU customers, if your credit card is issued in Euro currency, you can still place orders on our website by setting the website currency to USD, not Euro. The payment gateway at your credit card issuing bank will convert your Euro funds to USD to make payment to your order, and we will receive your payment in USD funds in the amount that you have seen on our website.

Bank Wire Transfer fees are to be paid by the buyer at the time of sending payment, and you may save a percentage of the order amount if you elect to use this payment method. Details please see checkout page at the time of submitting orders.

Bank Wire Transfer instructions will be automatically sent to you once you submit your order. Please follow it carefully 100% accurate, to ensure wire transfer can be received timely. Bank transfer sent with errors cannot be received by us, and we are not responsible for such errors by the payment sender. We have no way to retrieve a bank wire transfer with error. Sender must contact their own bank to resolve wire transfer errors.

If you have further questions about this subject, please email us through the website ‘contact us‘ page.

Thank you and we look forward to doing business with you.

Grant Fidelity