Feedback by Tube Model- 300B all types

‘fabulous’ – from customer in Russia

 Original post was on AudioCircle: 

« on: April 24, 2009, 05:21:01 pm »
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I think I am overexcited with those tubes   Smile *(hopefully that won’t stop), so I would like to share my experience with other tube lovers. I used to have Golden Dragons (I think marked Hot Rod) then Svetlana 300 B, which I thought are much better than dragons, but Black Bottles are something special.. Too sad that there is no information for them on the net, except on the distributor site (it is Grant Fidelity from whom I bought them)…

From the very first moment, it is clear that they are the TUBES on my Audion Silver Night 300 B power amp… Very addictive tubes (cannot stop listening), I believe that they deserve more reputation than they used to have, frankly Shuguang in my view were sort of "shubby tubes", but the ones I have got changed my attitude to the company in completely opposite way!

I have started burn in, but even right out of the box they are more better bass, airy trebles and huge sound stage! I can’t wait those 300 hours req’d, as I read they would be different tubes…