Treasure 6SN7-SE Globe – TNT Audio review published

Treasure 6SN7SE pair in foamHere is what reviewer Mark Wheeler said about these globe shaped tubes:

“If your 6SN7’s are on show and there is space for them, there is every reason, sonic and aesthetic, to install the Shuguang Globe 6SN7-SE. In a high resolution system, especially of the low-to-no negative-feedback persuasion, these Shuguang globe 6SN7-SE bottles are the state of the new-wave-of-valve-production (NWOVP). So far Shuguang have not put a foot wrong and we can hope they continue to innovate new versions of those classic valves we all love.” Read the full review here.

“Your (Treasure) 300B-Z is unreal”

SG-2A3-6Feedback received from customer Vismantas B via email:

“Wow, your 300bz  tubes are unreal… Sound is of another world, i use with lm-210ia amplifier .. Definitely i buy one more pair of these tubes:)”

Treasure KT120-Z: “I could live with this tube for a long time.”… “it is a steal”.

treasure KT120 quad boxIt is official! The Treasure KT120-Z has been reviewed by Stereotimes and here is what the reviewer said – “I could live with this tube for a long time.”… “It is a steal!”

The review was done with a high end Ayon integrated tube amp which uses KT88 and KT120 type tubes.

“On various cuts the Shuguang Treasure KT-120 tubes sounded more interconnected across the entire frequency spectrum. The Ayon Audio tubes seemed less controlled and transparent by comparison almost lacking in headroom and while the Shuguang Treasure KT-120 tubes were more illuminated in the midrange and high frequencies displaying a more live sound. I clearly preferred Shuguangs it to the Ayons.

Over the course of this review, some cable and system grounding changes were evaluated and based on the transparency of the Shuguang Treasure KT-120 tube, it was always easy to hear even the subtle differences each system change displayed.  You know what I really like about this tube in this application?  It’s the reliability.  I’ve power cycled my Ayon Audio Triton MKIII many times over the course of this review and have never once had a tube failure but I have almost a dozen tube failures with the stock tube.


After hearing the Shuguang Treasure KT-120 tube I can declare my search for the best KT-88/120 tube is over.  I have no desire to reinstall the Ayon Audio KT-88SX tubes if that tells you something.  I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend these tubes and at the price of $349 a quad they’re a steal. ” Read full review here.

New ‘affordable and most reliable’ rectifier tube added – Psvane HiFi 5U4G

psvane 5U4G single - largeThis Psvane HiFi series 5U4G is claimed by factory as ‘the most reliable and affordable rectifier tube ever made’. It is a replica of NOS Phico black plate 5U4G rectifier, but maintained a very friendly price tag.

Rectifier tube is probably the most ‘consumed’ tube on a tube rectified amplifier. It will need to be replaced more frequently than a power tube over time, so reliability and price are both sensitive factors for tube amp owners. Now Psvane is offering a new option for tube amp owners who are not only cost conscious, but also sound driven. Click here to order yours.

Treasure 6SL7-Z: “I have never heard bass like that from ANY amp”

Treasure 6SL7-Z pair in box with logoFeedback received from Nick B. in UK about Treasure 6SL7-Z:

“Hi Rachel,

I just thought I would drop you a note having put the 6SL7-Z tubes into my monobloc amps.

The only word I can think of to use is WOW!

I have never heard bass like that from ANY amp, never mind a valve amp. What a difference it has made to the music.”

Review published by TNT-Audio: “I have not heard a better current production 6SL7 from any manufacturer”

Treasure 6SL7-Z pair in box with logoTreasure is still a treasure 7 years after launched originally in Dec 2008. This is another addition to the series and quality carefully selected by Grant Fidelity for worldwide audiophiles and music lovers. Reviewer Mark Wheeler from TNT-Audio said:

“I have not heard a better current production 6SL7 from any manufacturer. NOS samples are too inconsistent to recommend. The 6SL7 double triode has always been one of the best choices for the tiny signals handled by phono-preamplifiers, typically achieving a low-noise transparency with a lush mid-band perfect for handling the human voice. The extra bass extension and bass definition of the Shuguang Treasure Series GF select (what a mouthful) would be enough to justify just over 200 bucks a pair in any phono-preamplifier over a grand. These 6SL7 samples add sharper transient-snap and timing too. The extra transparency and linearity that offers the greater scale and dynamics ices the cake sufficiently to justify two pairs, where possible, in a phono-preamplifier costing over 2000 Dollars or Euros. With valve equipment, the first tuning priority must be vibration isolation and the second tuning priority must be valve choice. With the tiny signals from phono cartridges, avoiding hum is an additional challenge, through careful earthing (grounding) arrangements and careful cable dressing. In a phono or microphone preamplifier, the 6SL7 is a great choice of amplifying device and the Shuguang Treasure 6SL7 may be the best of modern production.” Read full review here.