This website is owned and operated by Grant Fidelity in Canada, dedicated to reselling top quality grade high end audio tubes sourced and carefully selected for best possible quality. Tube brands offered on this website include but not limited to:
[Linlai™ Global] Tubes (privately owned by ex-engineers from Psvane but formed their own company – established 2017 and incorporated in 2019)

Shuguang Treasure (Chinese state-owned brand)

Psvane (pronounced as ‘Pavane’) line of products has been permanently discontinued as of Feb 7th, 2021. Read ‘Why we discontinue Psvane’ here.

Our Mission:
” To be the most reliable source on the internet to provide the Very BEST quality high end audio tubes worldwide”.
Our tubes are priced according to its quality grade.
A few facts that a buyer need to be aware of before making purchase with us:
We do not aim to be the cheapest tube vendor, because general rules are ‘you get what you paid for’. We aim to be the best in quality, service, honesty and integrity, not lowest Walmart-style pricing. We are a Canadian business value quality and service. We are not a sub-division of any Chinese brand or business, and we don’t do price matching to compromise our quality.
Not all tubes rolling off the factory production line are the same – their measurements and intrinsic quality can be of night & day difference, but visual appearance is still exactly the same to consumer eyes. New tube hobbyists should be aware of this critical difference and plain fact before questioning us ‘why your tubes are not as cheap as I found on eBay, Amazon or AliExpress etc by another vendor’.
We have been in business since 2006 dealing with tubes and high end audio primarily sourced from China, and have served thousands of happy tube customers worldwide. You can research Grant Fidelity reputation through Google.
Not every ‘Made in China’ tube is “crap” as some audiophiles bluntly claimed with or without first hand experience of true high quality Chinese tubes. But many “crap Chinese tubes” are sold on eBay, AudiogoN, Aliexpress or individual ‘flash pop-up’ websites to worldwide by all kinds profit driven vendors – many are not even authorized by the brands to sell inside Chinese domestic market but they get supplies from some friends aka Chinese vendors then resell them to overseas market for quick profit. These vendors come and go and if there are complaints on their quality, they simply shut down one domain and register another, to continue bait new customers with low price. Please shop wisely and not expose yourself to unnecessary risks. It is a thrill to bargain shopping, but it’s not a thrill to be left with a broken product that you cannot find the seller anymore.
We hope to be your wise choice of vendor, when it comes time for you to purchase high quality new tubes for your tube audio gear.
To understand how we control tube quality and how tube orders are shipped and the warranty policy, please feel free read the following web pages before placing your order:
GF (Grant Fidelity) Test Method
About Grant Fidelity:
Grant Fidelity is one of the largest authorized resellers of high end Chinese tubes worldwide. Our tube quality is further selected from factory quality by implementing our own GF (Grant Fidelity) screening criteria, and we pay a premium price to the tube factory to secure top quality from production batches.
This website is to provide official information on tubes that we handle personally with our own first hand experience. This is also a place for you to read feedback from past customers and professional reviewers – reviews are categorized on the web page right side column by tube models.
Grant Fidelity will administrate tube warranty on behalf of tube factories that we source directly from. Please purchase with absolute confidence as we hold high standard of integrity as expected in the western business world. Any questions please direct it to Grant Fidelity through the contact page.
If you come to this site without knowing who is Grant Fidelity – please do visit www.grantfidelity.com for more information. This website you are browsing now is dedicated to our ‘vacuum tubes’ sector only, as we ship tubes worldwide, but audio equipment sales are mostly limited to North America only.
Grant Fidelity specializes in distributing high end audio with honesty and integrity since 2006. One of the original founders, Ian Grant, sadly passed away in 2014 from lung cancer, and the business is now still managed by the other original founder Rachel Zhang out of the beautiful Alberta, Canada.
Thank you for your visit and happy listening!