Linlai™ Global 211-DG Overhung Filament Vacuum Tubes (pair)

US $489.00US $589.00


Who is LINLAI? 

LINLAI is a brand name, and it is a phrase taken from an ancient Chinese poem praising the beauty of music.

LINLAI is a trademark belong to a NEW tube factory in China – formed by a team of engineers who exit Psvane in 2017.

Why ‘Overhung Filament’? 

Overhung filament is extremely difficult to manufacture as a tiny discrepancy in spacing, fixture and material characteristics under extreme temperature can lead to more possible ‘failure’ in production. Overall, tube factory will face a much higher rate of ‘scrap’ even before a tube reaches the product finishing line. This leads to eventually higher overall production cost. Many tube factories deliberately stay away from this filament design.

However, among tube manufacturers and audiophiles it appears to have a consensus that: A metal plate tube by default will sound more dynamic and transparent than a graphite plate tube; and when the same plate materials are used, a ‘overhung filament’ design by default will sound more delicate and refined than other filament design.

Linlai™ Global 845-DG, 211-DG and 805-DG are made with graphite plate and overhung filament. As Linlai™ counts on this proprietary series to be their future ‘bread & butter’ to take a solid market share, these tubes are priced also very attractively. We have brought it on and feel it certainly worthwhile for audiophiles to explore the sonic benefits of this unique ‘Overhung Filament’ design.

Another uniqueness of this ‘overhung filament’ model:

The large graphite plate has 3 side holes to let tube glow out. If you are a fan of  tube glowing, this is a great tube to look at while enjoying your tunes!







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