Linlai™ Global E-101D Solid Plate vacuum tubes (pair or single)

US $415.00US $725.00


Who is LINLAI? (click on link to read more) 

LINLAI is a brand name, and it is a phrase taken from an ancient Chinese poem praising the beauty of music.

LINLAI is a trademark belong to a NEW tube factory in China – formed by a team of engineers who exit Psvane in 2017.

What is Elite E-series by LINLAI?

This is the proprietary design flagship series by LINLAI. It is positioned to compete with the Psvane ACME Supreme series and other European brand in the ultra high end tube market.

Features of the Elite E-101D Solid Plate: 

  • Titanium alloy plate with REAL GOLD grid for super stability
  • No-Contact design between filament structure and the glass enclosure to minimize external vibration and resonance
  • 2 metal pole holding the filament structure – very sturdy to survive shipping and handling
  • Dome shaped glass enclosure – not supersized so it will fit in all current 101D tube space
  • Ceramic base with metal sleeve cover – leaves no finger print residual and never rust
    Gold coated pins
  • Long pin layout – two thicker pins plus two thinner pins
  • Suggested burn-in time: 100 hrs

Tube Dimensions: (in mm)






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