Dimension Note: This tube is of larger glass enclosure than typical straight bottle 6SN7. Please check your amp space clearance to make sure it can fit next to other tubes, or under the chassis cover. We suggest you leave at least 0.5 to 1cm clearance between two tubes for proper ventilation.
Dimension of E-6SN7: (in mm)

Grant Fidelity’s Notes:
How does this Linlai™ Global Elite E-6SN7 compared to other 6SN7 on the market?
All Chinese made 6SN7 tubes follow the same spec as below. Chinese made CV181 is in fact a 6SN7 spec tube, not a true CV181 as in western spec standard.
Static Parameter
Ua ………………………… 90 250 V
Ug………………………… 0 -8V
Ia ………………………… 10 9 mA
Gm………………………… 3 2.6 mA/V
Ri ………………………… 6.7 7.7 kΩ
μ ………………………… 20 20
Ia when Ug=-12.5V _ 1.3mA
Ug whenIa=-10uA – 7 -18V
Maximum Rating
class A1
Ua………………………… 450V
Ik………………………… -20mA
Pa ………………………… 5w
Pa(No.1+No2) ………… 7w
Rg ……………… 1MΩ
Uhk ………………±100V
Linlai™ Global Elite E-6SN7 can substitute Psvane CV181-TII or any other 6SN7GT, 6SN7GTA, 6SN7GTB perfectly fine.
The Linlai™ Global E-6SN7 tubes we have received so far measure far better than Psvane CV181-TII tubes that we have experienced in the past decade, in terms of noise level and tight section matching – these are objective parameters that we can measure on our lab test equipment. You cannot have a good sounding system when you have a noisy preamp tube that introduces noises to the playback, no matter how good the tonality that tube has. We put great emphasis on 6SN7 tubes screening for lowest possible noise level.
Subjective sonic impression cannot be measured and we have to leave it to audiophiles to decide if the sonic signature fits their personal liking or not. Our own impression is that they are very neutral transparent sounding, no over coloration and can really let high end equipment designed sonic signature to shine through, without being altered unintentionally. A tube should serve the equipment, not vice versa.
This tube will definitely be a nice upgrade from any stock 6SN7 tubes that come with a new production tube amp (in most cases it’s a Chinese entry level 6SN7 or Russian entry level 6SN7).
Ultimately tube rolling is an experience. It’s not the ultimate quest for what’s best, because each listener has their own listening preference and no one can define an absolute best for ALL.