Feedback by Tube Model- 12AX7-T/TII/LS

“The 12AX7LS are the best I’ve heard in my system for phono”

Feedback received from Steven D. via email:

“Hi Rachel,

Initial impressions on the Treasure 12ax7-LS in the critical phono preamp application are positive (George Wright’s WPP200C, 2 x 12ax7 per channel, 60db gain MC). Replacing the Psvane T-IIs, I find the sound is more articulate / better organized / more coherent / less homogenized. Appears as if the noise floor has been lowered, better low level info retrieval. Better bass, too.

My comments should be taken with a grain of salt, as I did not do an A-B comparison, and there was about a week’s gap in listening, so I am working from memory. Still, the LS are the best I’ve heard in my system for phono. System is reasonably revealing: upgraded Nantais classic Lenco, AT ART-9 MC cart, RS-A1 tonearm, passive TVC volume, 2A3 SET, DIY crossoverless fullrangers for speakers (they and my hearing both roll off at ~15KHz ;).

